DataPop v4 can be used with ITMS 7.1.2 and later. The following steps describe how to implement it: and run the attached Setup_EPMDataPopV4.EXE
Press the [OK] button to initiate the Setup Wizard:
Press the [Next] button to continue:
Accept the License Agreement and then press the [Next] button:
Press the [Next] button to continue:
Press the [Finish] button to allow the installation to continue:
Press the [Yes] button to start the DataPop process (An NSE progress window will open and close):
Press the [OK] button to import the Connector Rules (Command windows will open and close):
Press the [OK] button to run each rule (Command windows will open and close, and another NSE progress window will open and close):
Press the [OK} button to close the window:
A TXT file will now be opened containing the final instructions: